Ten more years! Ten more years!

That's what every right-thinking Gooner is asking for. It is ten years to the day that Arsene Wenger became Arsenal manager, and the world of Arsenal Football Club changed forever.

And of course it wasn't just Arsenal he changed, but English football as a whole. He brought in nutritionists, banned players from the club bar, emphasised different training techniques and basically made everyone take training and preparation seriously, and of course opened the doors for a flood of foreign coaches to join the Premiership.

Whenever I have to think about life after Arsene, when he finally concedes to his wife's wishes to give up the game and calls time on his Arsenal career, I break out in a cold sweat and start rocking slowly back and forth, not unlike, I imagine, a junky going cold turkey after ten years of sweet heroin addiction. Who on earth can replace this man, and who would want to be the man tasked with that? How could you possibly succeed following all that your predecessor has accomplished. In short, it worries me.
It's somewhat comforting to know that Double D, the man responsible for bringing Arsene in when I'd say 99% of Arsenal fans had no idea who he was, is still dodging and diving in his dealings for the club, and I'm sure will probably already have spoken to Arsene about his ideas for his long time successor. I know Wenger has a very good relationship with Paul le Guen, the former Lyon boss who's now falling flat on his face at Rangers, but beyond that, I've no idea. Hopefully we won't have to face up to that reality any time soon.
So I stand here and ask for ten more years, Arsene. Ten more years!
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