Belter from van Persie, Arsene pimps Cole abroad

I don't want to go too indepth into why last night's game against Greece was poor, how 4-0 was generous, how abysmally poor the Greek defence was, but I'm certainly refusing to acknowledge England's second goal as a Frank Lampard strike, due to the ridiculous deflection it took. A mate and I were discussing how having "deflections" as your principal ability is a bit wank, and it is, and that's Fat Frank down to a tee. That and Pukka pies.
In proper Arsenal news there's a story running that we are willing to drop our price on Cashley, but only to teams not in the Barclaycard Premiership, ie Chelsea. I'd rather sell him for £16m to Internazionale than for £20m to the chavs, that's for sure, however, as with the rest of this increasingly dull transfer saga, I wouldn't expect a resolution any time soon.
Conversely the Times is running a story which states that Arsene has asked the board to resolve Cole's departure to Chelsea by the end of the week. It hints at the hold up being Double D's pride forcing him to hold out for £25m, when Chelsea would likely stump up £20m if we asked them to. I'm not so sure about that, as they're massive cunts. There's also a bit at the end where Kolo is talking about improving our away record this year. All hail Kolo.
Gilberto's shooting his mouth off as always (does this man ever get tired of talking to the press), this time about Theo Walcott, first demanding that Wenger gives Theo more game time this season, and then quickly retracting that, saying that the boss will do what is in the best interest for Theo's development. I swear to God, the most dangerous place in football is between Gilberto and a sport's journalist.
And finally in other news my favourite Arsenal blog (other than youaremyarsenal of course) Arseblog has come sixth (fourth if you discount the BBC and commentfree) in last month's hitwise statistics. Congratulation Arseblogger, you big Irish git you.
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