Mr Tweedy goes to town

The big news this morning is movement in the Mr Tweedy debacle, with the Times reporting that Arsenal have firmly rebuffed Chelsea's opening gambit of £16m, the figure reported to be the "escape clause" in his contract. I imagine that if we've turned down that figure, and it has not activated a release clause, that either it does not exist, or the sum needed to activate it is higher than first thought. Rumours are we're after something in the region of £25m, and why not considering it's the Roman Empire who's paying. If they can pay £24m for the six foot concrete turd that is Didier Drogba then they can stump up a little more for, despite his recent cuntishness, the best left back in the world.
The Times seems to think that we risk antagonising Cole further by going back on an alleged "verbal agreement" to let him go this summer for a fee in the region of £16m. Why we'd give a toss about infuriating the little turncoat is beyond me, but quite frankly if it's true I'd absolutely love it, and it would serve the backstabbing bastard right. This is what goes around, Ashley, and this right here, this is what comes around.
The Sun also reports that we were angling for William Gallas as part of the deal, which Chelsea turned down and tried to replace with SWP, which, when we finished laughing, we answered with a polite "no fucking chance". It's a shame because Gallas is exactly the sort of player we need to bring in this summer, with his versatilty at centre half and full back, as well as his overall being-better-than-Cygan-ness.
Lots of people are saying we'd settle for £20m, and I'd take it, buy a centre half and centre mid, and leave the whole Ca$hley Cole saga behind us.
In other news it looks like Nicklas Bendtner might not be going out on loan to Arsene's good mate Paul Le Guen at Rangers after all, as the Daily Record reports that he has been named in Arsenal's pre-season plans. Of course there's every chance he still could. Justin Hoyte was involved in last season's warm up games and ended up at Sunderland for the year. We will see.
Not much else interesting going on. Valencia have told Man Yoo to name their price for spaghetti-headed Ronaldo, Fergie isn't budging, yet. Bayern Munich claim they're getting closer on a deal for Horse Face. I'm planning on doing a little obituary for him when he finally sods off, but that will have to wait for now. Stevie G quite fancies the England captaincy. Better him than John "found out at International level every bloody time" Terry.
Wayne Rooney apparently had a falling out with David Moyes in the run up to his departure from Everton, claiming that the Everton boss was "too controlling". Maybe Moyes took away his OAP knocking shop membership. Who knows.
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